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Tablets Make Sense For Different Groups Of Users

Thursday, March 25th, 2021

Tablet and pad computing is moving in new directions according to what people find that they need — and want. It seems that what the public decides is what may guide new gadget creation.

There are different events driving changes. Here’s a significant one: New writers are showing their belief in eBook reader tablets such as Kindle and Nook — along with all the most popular tablets (iPad, Windows Surface, and so on) — because self-publishing in electronic book format is one of the fastest ways to get your work out to the public and sold. Barnes & Noble even offers a do-it-yourself section called Pub-It where a writer may publish his novel and sell it on the B&N site in eBook form, Barnes and Noble providing most of the tools.

Although electronic book publishing has slipped recently, it remains an excellent option writers will not overlook even when they also publish a print book. Why? One of the many reasons is that ebook tablet readers are a growing favorite of older customers — who happen to be the target audience of many novelists.

Internet tablets, and tablet e-readers are growing smaller, lighter, thinner. The iPad itself lost 50 grams when the 2nd version came out, or a little over a tenth of a pound, but to me the difference in weight between the original iPad and iPad2 seemed much more. After developing arthritis the change meant a lot, it was quite welcome. The iPad Mini is only half the weight of its big brother, at .68 lbs. I think I’m going to go ahead and get one.

All these smaller tablets and eBook readers including iPad Mini and Blackberry Playbook are good choices for anyone who likes to grab the tablet and go places. These users tend to forget to carry a stand for them, so the lighter it is, the better. Kindles and Nooks are extremely lightweight too and have been since the beginning.

A friend of mine in Florida carries her Kindle on the go. She’s in her early 80s and likes to carry books when she rides her bike so the Kindle is a compact solution. Yes, I said her bike. She’s also a daily internet user and ardent blogger, one of a growing circle of older people who stay in touch with friends by going online. You can come up with some interesting theories about how technology can extend your life by engaging you with life, if you want. There’s probably plenty of evidence.

One of the wisest things Microsoft did was connect a keyboard to its Surface tablet. This accessory is very lightweight and as we all know from the TV commercials, when you attach the keyboard, the accompanying clicking sound is satisfying enough to start you dancing. The iPad left its keyboard dock behind when it upgraded the OS — requiring owners to re-purchase a wireless keyboard if they don’t care for typing on a touchscreen — so the Surface keyboard provides arguably the best typing solution available for tablet users.

There is a tension between the convenience of smaller pad computers and the visibility of a bigger screen, easily seen when you consider that smartphones are now getting bigger to provide a bigger screen surface for the customer. Pad computing remains aimed at providing a nice selection of choices for buyers.


Tablets Make Sense For Different Groups Of Users - Ipads
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