Exclusive IPAD articles, live ipad tablet news covering the Apple iPad tablets well as competing tablet computers from RIM, Sony, HP, Motorola, Samsung, and more.
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There are a lot of questions about the iPad 3. Will it feature 4G connectivity to keep you connected no matter where you are?
When is the expected release date for the iPad 3 and what features will it have? Read on for more details.
Learn how to choose between the different types of iPads- the WiFi version and the WiFi plus 3G version.
One benefit to the iPad is the many educational apps that are available for it. Here is an explanation of some of those apps.
Tablet and pad computing is moving in new directions according to what people find that they need — and want. It seems that what the public decides is what may guide new gadget creation. There are different events driving changes. Here’s a significant one: New writers are showing their belief in eBook reader tablets such […]